
Friday, October 9, 2009

Our First Rerun

We're hot out of the gate, way out in front and heading for the first turn. Then WHAM... our first malfunction!

The response to the first episode of Two Wheel Oklahoma has been tremendous, and we planned to have another great episode ready for Week Two. Alas there are only so many hours in a day, and it looks like that won't happen after all. Retro Spec has done an amazing job on the video production and editing for Two Wheel Oklahoma.

Mr Sam at the Round BarnUnfortunately we were not able to complete the editing and closed captioning in time to make the air date this week. So this Saturday, instead of showing you our trip up Highway 20, we are running an "encore performance" of the Route 66 episode.

Hopefully everyone will enjoy another visit with Mister Sam?

We will be back with a new episode next week.

Two Wheel Oklahoma

1 comment:

  1. Hate to hear about the bad luck, BUT SWEET! I MISSED the show this AM, and was upset till I hit the web page! SCORE! Won't happen again! I'll be setting for WEEKLY record now!

    We enjoyed the first one, looking forward to the next one!

    Ride safe!
