
Friday, December 18, 2009

Moving to PBS

Two Wheel Oklahoma Will Move to OETA this Spring

Our Christmas present came a little early this year when the folks at the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (OETA) invited us to join their network. The details are still being ironed out, but what we do know is Two Wheel Oklahoma will begin airing statewide in April 2010. That means anyone in Oklahoma will be able to watch the show! Not to mention a few foreigners in parts of Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri.

To say we're excited would be a huge understatement!

We'll start working on new episodes very soon. We'll also be knocking on doors to drum up support from sponsors who can help underwrite our production costs. On commercial television underwriting is called "advertising." In the world of public television, underwriters help fund the program in return for a thank you before and after each episode. Depending on your level of support that thank-you might be a simple message, your company logo or a 15-second spot.

For details on becoming a Two Wheel Oklahoma underwriter contact:

Brad Mathison

The Oklahoma NetworkOETA- the Oklahoma Network operates four transmitters and fourteen repeaters that offer TV coverage to nearly all parts of our state. Tulsa and Oklahoma City consistently rank in the top seven public stations nationally according to Nielsen Ratings. OETA also offers one of the few nightly newscasts on PBS and has offered HD programming from its four main stations since 2004.

Two Wheel Oklahoma


  1. OETA is absolutely one of the best public television networks in the country. Congratulations on being added to their stellar lineup!

  2. wow and Congrats, that is really cool! I was stopping by to say Congrats on your okie blog nom and now it is a double CONGRATS!
