
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TWO Returns to RSU in December

Two Wheel Oklahoma will return to the airwaves this Thursday on RSU Public TV.

A special showing is scheduled for Thursday evening, December 9, during the station's Winterfest pledge drive. Brad and I will be playing hosts for this gala event so it should be quite an evening. Please, no prank phone calls.

And beginning December 15th catch the show every Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM. We'll kick that off with a brand new episode we taped at the International Motorcycle Show last month in Dallas. It's a little different than our usual fare, but we think you'll like it.

In addition to the Wednesday evening time slot additional showtimes are scheduled during overnight and on the digital-only station (beginning 12/10/2011):
KRSC UHF 35/Cable 19 Wednesdays 9:00 PM
Fridays 3:30 AM
KRSC UHF 35.2 Saturdays 8:30 PM

You can view all the upcoming air dates and syndicated stations on our showtime schedule.

Two Wheel Oklahoma

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