
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lost City: Find Yourself

Local Ride

When you only have time for a quickie.

Last week while roaming around the wilderness near Fort Gibson Lake we found Lost City, avoided a speed trap, and stumbled across a wonderful destination tucked away in the Oklahoma hills.

Lost City Road takes you on a 12-mile stretch  through Cherokee County. It runs from Peggs to Hulbert, passing through the mysteriously named town of Lost City, Oklahoma.

The name supposedly originates from Cherokee who settled nearby after removal. The village inhabitants disappeared but their belongings and campfire remained. Cue scary music. Today the Lost City is inhabited, but less than a thousand folks live there. In the surrounding area you'll find magicians, a monastery, hand-dyed yarn and a meteor crater.

Well, it might not be a very big crater.

In 1970 a 21-pound meteorite fell to Earth near Lost City. It was the first time cameras had ever recorded a meteor crashing in the US. But if the residents of this sleepy town know about this they aren't letting on. The streets were quiet the day we passed through.

South of Lost City we arrived in one of America's most notorious speedtraps. Hulbert, Oklahoma was almost single-handedly responsible for state legislation that required towns to eliminate sneaky speed limit signs. We drove through Hulbert. Very. Slowly. Then headed west on OK-51.

Canebrake White BuffaloJust past Taylor Ferry a familiar name on a blue sign caught my attention. The Canebrake is a unique retreat just a few miles east of Wagoner. I'd heard the name many times. When I passed the sign on Highway 51 we decided to stop in and see what it's all about.

Winding down the drive we passed the mystical white buffalo, some cabins in the woods and acres of wide open land overlooking the lake. The place features a top-notch restaurant, full bar, day spa, a ropes challenge course, yoga classes and overnight accommodations.

We enjoyed libations and had a wonderful meal. The proprietors were surprisingly willing to let us return- so we hope to try their Sunday Brunch in the near future! If you're curious consider taking advantage of their Groupon deal.

After a quick tour of the Yoga Barn and suites we headed home into the setting sun. It was a perfect way to end our day of "discovery."

View Finding Lost City in a larger map


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