
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Toad Suck Tops List

It's now official- Arkansas has outdone us again.

Oklahoma has some pretty weird town names. But, according to a worldwide poll conducted by, the weirdest of them all is:
Toad Suck, Arkansas

Oklahoma was not ignored however. The town of Hooker managed a respectable fourth.

For those of you that somehow managed to miss the bustling metropolis of Toad Suck, it's located on I-40 near Conway, Arkansas. And also the most photographed road sign in Arkansas.

Ironically it's not really a town at all- it's actually a spot on the Arkansas River that used to be a ferry crossing. Legend (and Wikipedia) has it that liquor flowed freely in the area the drunks would "swell up like toads." Pleasant.

If you just can't wait to visit Toad Suck let me suggest early May. That's when Conway holds their annual Toad Suck Daze.

Here's the entire top ten list. Personally I'm partial to Monkey's Eye, Kentucky. What's your favorite?

The Top 10:

1. Toad Suck, AR
2. Climax, GA
3. Boring, OR
4. Hooker, OK
5. Assawoman, MD
6. Belchertown, MA
7. Roachtown, IL
8. Loveladies, NJ
9. Squabbletown, CA

10. Monkey's Eyebrow, KY

Image courtesy of Wiki Commons

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