Sunday, April 24, 2011

Let Off Some Steam

One of my favorite annual events in Oklahoma is the Pawnee Steam Show. Or, if you prefer the official title, the Pawnee Steam and Gas Engine Show.

The event is held each May on the Pawnee Fairgrounds and organized by the Oklahoma Steam Thresher & Gas Engine Association. Participants bring out their vintage machinery and show it off for the crowds. But it's not just a gearhead paradise. I mean... it is, but it's not just a steam punk festival. There's cool stuff for kids too! You'll find fresh ground corn meal, tiny little hay bales made by a tiny little hay baler, multiple demonstrations of dangerous machinery and fresh squeezed lemonade.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Bike Show

The vintage bike shows at Brookside Motorcycle Company each Spring and Fall have quickly  become local favorites. The quirky and eclectic mix of bikes that show up means something for everyone. The hardware on display runs a huge gambit from pristine vintage dirt bikes to wild custom creations to daily-drivers.

This year the three most popular questions were:
  • What year is it?
  • Is that a repro?
  • When are you going to make more shows?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Group's Hate List Keeps Growing

I attended a gathering today along with a thousand or so other bikers. The funeral of Shane Reed who died Sunday along with Kaly Hull and Travis Flud in a tragic motorcycle accident.

I didn't know them. The reason I attended the funeral was because it was rumored the members of the Westboro Baptist "Church" planned to protest. Like many, I have heard of this group and knew about their hate propoganda against gays. But I found out their list has been growing. I was curious why they would come down from Topeka to picket and protest this funeral in Bixby, Oklahoma. If you are not aware of this group, here is what I gleaned from my research.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We're Big in Brighton

Beginning on January 5, 2011 your favorite Oklahoma travel show will be available to viewers in the UK via the Sky TV satellite network. That's right- UK as in United Kingdom!

Two Wheel Oklahoma will be available on Sky 219, also known as My Channel. showtimes

Syndication to other countries can sometimes present problems. Fortunately people in the UK speak a form of American known as "English." Despite this similar language there are other issues that can cause confusion. So we decided to offer our new viewers a little assistance to prepare them.

Here's the top five questions people from England ask after watching Two Wheel Oklahoma...

5: Why do they always ride on the wrong side of the road?
4: Aren't there any eateries serving jellied eels?
3: How do they keep their teeth so pretty?
2: Don't all Americans ride Harleys?
And the number one thing folks from across the pond wonder when watching Two Wheel Oklahoma:

1: What the hell is a Dutch angle?

So the next time you're across the pond be sure to tune in!

Two Wheel Oklahoma

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TWO Returns to RSU in December

Two Wheel Oklahoma will return to the airwaves this Thursday on RSU Public TV.

A special showing is scheduled for Thursday evening, December 9, during the station's Winterfest pledge drive. Brad and I will be playing hosts for this gala event so it should be quite an evening. Please, no prank phone calls.

And beginning December 15th catch the show every Wednesday evening at 9:00 PM. We'll kick that off with a brand new episode we taped at the International Motorcycle Show last month in Dallas. It's a little different than our usual fare, but we think you'll like it.

In addition to the Wednesday evening time slot additional showtimes are scheduled during overnight and on the digital-only station (beginning 12/10/2011):
KRSC UHF 35/Cable 19 Wednesdays 9:00 PM
Fridays 3:30 AM
KRSC UHF 35.2 Saturdays 8:30 PM

You can view all the upcoming air dates and syndicated stations on our showtime schedule.

Two Wheel Oklahoma